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Diamoci le ali is a social service aimed at boys and girls aged 18 to 25. It is an exeperice of co-housing between young people aimed at recognizing the rights of any individual to housing, social and cultural right and adequate housing and shelter.

The property - a "confiscated property" from organized crime that the Prefecture has delivered to the Municipality of Buggiano (PT), has been destined to be used for social and public utility purposes, therefore since September 2013 the Municipality and the Società della Salute della Valdinievole (Local Social Services) have assigned it to the reception of girls and boys included in projects "for their autonomy".

As the name says the goal is to give to diadvantage young people the opportunity to try an experience of cohabitation, to take flight with their own wings and strength, as a natural detachment from the family unit, in their path of growth and acquisition of autonomy, economic, emotional, housing, life!

The elements that characterize and qualify Diamoci le ali are:

  • medium-low educational assistance;
  • the construction of individual and group educational projects for and with the tenants of the house;
  • listening and welcoming to the needs of the young people ;
    reception of young people from Social Services and / or from the territory;
  • the ability to integrate the apartment inhabitants with the territory, in order to avoid and prevent processes of marginalization and social stigmatization;
  • the construction of an individual autonomy path;
    the ability to help tenants in managing routines and daily life for home maintenance and hygiene.

FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT THE NUMBER 0572507868 0r send an email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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